Progress in French an College Mulai Yussef at Rabat is open to boys all over Morocco These colleges are reserved^ generally speaking, for boys of good family The educational system has been thought out with the greatest care By means of the method employed, Moslem and European systems of education develop at the same tune, instruction being given in Moslem subjects by Arab teachers, while European instniction is In the hands of French professors Those who attempt to decry the real merit of colleges can never have visited any of them Only a month or two ago, through the courtesy of Monsieur Gotteland? Directeur d5 Instruction Publlque3I was to visit the Mulai Yussef College at Rabat, of which the educational authorities are justly proud The building, situated amidst gardens, is both pleasing to the eye and suitable for its purpose, nothing having been left undone to provide educational facilities along with aM possible amenities for the pupils Education is free, except in the case of some hundred and thirty who pay a small sum for their board and lodgiagss and the boys of Salle are even provided with a free motor- bus to bring them to and from work. In the grounds the pupils play football, a game for which, they have considerable natural aptitude^ and a most marked feature of college life is the delight taken both in and work, and the obvious sympathy that be- tween the boys and their French and masters. Undoubtedly these coEeges, which provide an educa- tion corresponding to that of the second degree in French schools,* play a most important part in the development of tie country, and may be relied upon to fit Moroccan youths to play their part in, the ad- ministration